I’m Suzi Evans, the Family Liaison Officer here at Grange School and I have been in post since November 2016.
In 'normal times' we hold regular coffee mornings and meetings with the aim of supporting parents of the pupils at Grange and we share all the latest information about what’s going on locally and information about other services and how they can offer support to families. Due to the pandemic we are not currently meeting on the school site but I am available to provide support for parents via email (see below).
I support families in different ways:
- I listen and appreciate parent issues and offer suggestions and advice for individuals and families.
- Signpost to other services available within Greater Manchester.
- Liaise with other professionals both inside and outside of school on behalf of families.
- Support families with form filling e.g. housing, transport or benefits.
- Support attendance and families who may be struggling in getting their child to school
- Offer individualised support, based on the needs of the family.
- I undertake Early Help Assessments with families.
- Organise workshops and provide opportunities for parents/carers to become involved in the life of the school.
I want to encourage communication between home and school and will be sending out regular questionnaires for your feedback. Please do complete and return the questionnaires to me as your responses are extremely important to the ongoing development of Grange School and to help and support your child.
Families may wish to contact me directly to ask for support or referrals may come from other school staff or partner agencies.
You can contact me via the office on 0161 231-2590, my mobile 07542110105 or by email: s.evans01@grange.manchester.sch.uk so please feel free to get in touch.
Thank you.